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A Vim inspired terminal based emulator written in rust.

I wrote an article on the experience of writing this program in much more detail here

STATUS: COMPLETE | Rewriting in C...

Features Include:

  • Modal editing -> Normal, Visual, Command, and Insert modes allow the user to easily navigate a document. Using classic efficient Vim keybindings such as h, j, k, l, 0, $, and more, a user is able to quickly navigate a text file in normal mode, insert text in insert mode, and highlight, move, or delete sections of text in visual mode.
  • Gap Buffer -> A built-from-scratch gap buffer data structure was created to hold the contents of the file and allow for efficient insertion and deletion around the user cursor.
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Terminal Based Space Invaders

I am planning to begin work on my next project in the coming weeks. This project will be a terminal implementation of space invaders. It will build off of the foundation I have created with my JBVim project which manipulated the terminal manually using terminal escape codes. It will further teach me about manipulation of the terminal, building libraries useful for more than a single project, representation of important data and more. This page will be updated with further information as the project draws to a close A Vim inspired terminal based emulator written in rust.

STATUS: Planning...

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Basic Compiler

Moving more towards the desired destination of understanding and working on embedded computing and operating systems projects, I will begin work on a basic compiler. This project is in the very early planning stage at this moment. However, I am quite sure that this project will follow the completion of the terminal based space invaders project.

STATUS: Early Planning...

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Project 4...

More details coming soon™...